Examples of our Roofing and Gutter repairs in Sydney

Why Pointing is important to your roof
'Bedding' is a strong cement mix that binds the ridge and hip cap tiles to the roof. 'Pointing' fills in the gaps as it were, providing a strong, watertight finish to your tile roof and ensures tiles don’t get blown off in strong winds!For many years, the traditional way to re-point the tiles were with four parts sand and one-part cement. However, this was not flexible and tended to crack and crumble over time compromising the strength and waterproofing of the roof.Today, we do things differently. We use the latest in flexible tile pointing products which also come in a large range of colours to match the colour of your tiles. The flexible pointing is applied on either side of the ridge capping tiles and on the joins (Collars) and can cope with the small movements of the tile ridge capping much better than old sand and cement.So, if your old roof has a leak and the leak is caused by water entry through the ridge capping, then re-doing it with flexible pointing will do wonders to stop the leaks!
For many years, the traditional way to re-point tiles was with four parts sand and one-part cement. However, this was not flexible and tended to crack and crumble over time compromising the strength and waterproofing of the roof.
Today, we do things differently. We use the latest in flexible tile pointing products which also come in a large range of colours to match the colour of your tiles. The flexible pointing is applied on either side of the ridge capping tiles and on the joins (Collars) and can cope with the small movements of the tile ridge capping much better than old sand and cement.
So, if your old roof has a leak and the leak is caused by water entry through the ridge capping, then re-doing it with flexible pointing will do wonders to stop the leaks!
New Roof in Dee Why, Sydney
We replaced the roof and 'change of pitch' flashings to this leak plagued property in Dee Why, Sydney. By improving the fall, replacing the rotted timber battens with new steel battens to give the extra support it needed and by redesigning the change of pitch flashing, the residents can at last remove the buckets from their living rooms in wet weather!
Note too the anchor points installed to allow safe access to the roof.
Leaking Barge Flashing
This building in Cremorne Point Sydney is an example of a good product (Evobuild's Smartform) used in the wrong application. The product had been used to cover and act as a barge capping. Normally barge tiles are used for this purpose but it may have been difficult to obtain the tiles.
We removed the barge flashing, designed and installed a custom made Colorbond flashing and fixed it securely. Colorbond fixed in this way will be wind and water proof for decades to come, even at a location so close to the sea.
Skylight Installation with Colorbond Back-Tray Flashing
This is an example of how a skylight should be fitted on a metal roof. The Colorbond 'Back-Tray' is the flat steel section installed above the roof sheets behind the skylight. Back-Tray flashing prevents water pooling behind the skylight, reduces leaks and prevents premature rusting of the roof sheets from the pooled water.
Skylights are a great way to bring the outside inside and brighten any room - home, office or factory.

Covering a Porous Brick Parapet with Colorbond
This client in Lilyfield Sydney was experiencing leaks and damp from an old leaking brick parapet and old deteriorated lead apron flashing.
We stripped the old lead flashing off as lead is incompatible with the steel roof sheets and was causing premature rusting. We treated the sheets with a rust converter and installed a new custom-made Colorbond Parapet Cap and apron flashing that covered the whole brick parapet. This solution prevents water entering the cracked render, and eliminates damp in the parapet and walls/rooms below. Colorbond capping secures and protects the parapet from weathering. The advantage is that not only is the area waterproof for decades to come, but Colorbond also looks great!
Sewer Vent Pipe flashings - a common cause of leaking
Sewer vent pipe penetrations are a common source of leaks. On older roofs, lead flashings may have been used. Lead is harmful to the environment and you wouldn't want to collect rain water from your roof if you still have lead flashings! Lead deteriorates and doesn't seal well, so we remove the lead and install new DEKS Flashtites which are lead-free and seal perfectly around any pipe penetration. They last, seal well, and give you leak-free roofing.

Leak-Free Metal Roofing
Metal roof leaks? Like this roof in Bayview on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, we often find chimney, skylight or vent penetrations that allow water to pool behind them, which will eventually leak when the roof deteriorates around them. We installed a Colorbond Back-Tray flashing and heat proof Dektite. This allows for a smooth, long lasting surface that won't allow water to pool behind any penetration and give your roof longevity without leaks.
Call us today for leak proof roofing!